Critique on blood drive videos

Positive and Constructive Feedback on blood drive videos; p- Positive c- Constructive 
Evan- P: Good nat noise C: soundbytes are a tad bit quiet so try to fix that on the computer, looking at the audio
Nick- P: Good use of B-Roll C: Your voiceovers are very quiet, you can fix that by looking at the audio levels
Allison- P: Good voiceovers C: The 1st soundbyte seems kinda out of place
Courtney- P: The 2nd voiceover is very solid C: The 1st soundbyte is jumpy
Dema- P: J and L edits were good C: The interview answers were very quiet, check the audio levels
Rosie- P: use of Broll and variety of lengths C: Voiceovers seem to be staticy
Keirstyn- P: shot variety C: !st soundbyte kinda cut off at an odd time
Rylie- P: good ending quote C: you showed drew talking but it wasn't a j edit, like it didnt go into the interview after it went back to broll and then back to him again
Catherine- P: good interviews C: no name titles opening the interviews
Alex- P: use of broll C: There wasn't any interview soundbytes added in after your first like 3 or 4 Voiceovers
Mitch- P: good interviews C: Jordans interview was quieter then the rest of your audio
Nicole- P: good j and l edits C: you had two voiceovers back to back
Drew- P: good opening C: soundbytes are way louder than your voiceovers
Emily- P: good opening and ending C: no name title in the first interview
Conlin- P: even amount of shots inside and outside the blood drive C: Nat noise killed off right when you started talking
Cyle- P: good end quote C: you can hear courtney asking the questions in your soundbytes
Jake- P: good use of vocab and j/l edits C: the name title should be lower third gradient
Delaney- n/a
Abby- P: good opening C: there is a jump before the girl started talking
Me- Some of the shots went by really quickly
Chelsea- P: good nat noise C: work on tone in voiceovers
Alyssa- P: interview set up is very good C: should have stated ON "friday the 13th"
Looking back and reflecting on the whole overall process im upset that i didnt get a chance to actually film the blood drive itself. For future assignments i think that it will help to focus on getting good interview and the audio of the interview and get a bigger variety of shots from the event.


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