My personality type.
Who am i?
I feel like my personality type is right on describing who i am. By taking this test i now have a better understanding for myself and i understand the way i am.
My Myers-Briggs personality type is ESFJ.
The "E" stands for Extrovert, The "S" stands for Sensing, The "F" stands for Feeling, and the "J" stands for judging. I am 1% Extrovert, I am 12% Sensing, I am 12% feeling, and I am 44% Judging. Being an "Extrovert" means that i am outgoing, and an overly expressive person. Being "Sensing" means that i perceive by a sense. Being "Feeling" means that i make decisions based on my feelings. Being "Judging" means that i judge things before i do them and decide if its worth while. One famous person with my personality type is Sarah Palin.
I feel like my personality type is right on describing who i am. By taking this test i now have a better understanding for myself and i understand the way i am.
My Personality type has to do with learning more about others and understanding people and relating to them. My personality type really excels when it comes to talking to people but if put in another group with other types we probably wouldn't don't as good but would get the work. Being my personality type i don't get a lot of the information right when it comes to doing test and physical work sheet. We don't excel in school but of the social part of school.
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