My personality type.
Who am i? My Myers-Briggs personality type is ESFJ. The "E" stands for Extrovert, The "S" stands for Sensing, The "F" stands for Feeling, and the "J" stands for judging. I am 1% Extrovert, I am 12% Sensing, I am 12% feeling, and I am 44% Judging. Being an "Extrovert" means that i am outgoing, and an overly expressive person. Being "Sensing" means that i perceive by a sense. Being "Feeling" means that i make decisions based on my feelings. Being "Judging" means that i judge things before i do them and decide if its worth while. One famous person with my personality type is Sarah Palin. I feel like my personality type is right on describing who i am. By taking this test i now have a better understanding for myself and i understand the way i am. My Personality type has to do with learning more about others and understanding people and relating to them. My personality type really excels wh...