No Film School
Our project was to go onto the no film school website and find an article that spoke to what we have been doing in this class. I decided to go with an article called Never Ask for Permission: Alexander Payne’s Seven-Step Filmmaking Crash Course . The article talked about some important things to consider when taking the risk of making a film or just in general taking risks. The main ideas brought up were to be open to new possibilities, don't snooze and lose, savor what you know, value editing and writing, make scrambled eggs (take what you have and make something even if it isn't what you originally planned, find joy in pain, and lastly to not ask for permission. I learned that professionally everyone should be willing to take new risks and be able to take action for the goals you set. The author talked about how it is important to let whatever happens happen and be okay with it. The process of film making is hard and ve...