
Showing posts from August, 2015

Back to school?!

This week in graphic design we worked on getting back into the flow of things. We were instructed to make a pencil and a pencil holder by following step by step instructions. It was really just using different shapes and tools on illustrator. We used different shapes like rectangles, triangles, rounded squares and circles. The overall idea of this was to make a simple pencil and pencil holder.  Once we were finished with that we were instructed to make the pencil our own and add a little something to it. I decided to make my pencil purple. I made the middle part of the pencil a different shade to give it more of a 3-D affect. I added a "love letter" and a heart to add more of a story behind what the pencil was doing. After we were finished with that we were told to create something with illustrator that wasn't a pencil.  After a little bit of thinking i decided to go with a book. I made two books. One is on it's side and the other is showing a front view of ...

Review; video about Michaela

8/20/15 While in class we were shown a video about a feature on a girl named Michaela who did weight lifting. The overall main idea of this video was that there was a feature on Michaela. The video started out in her house, talking to her and her mom. Then it showed some b-roll. It shows her lifting the weights. The story was about a girl named Michaela would wasn't your average teenage girl. She lifts weight for sport with her dad a her trainer. The story was told by showing her doing what she loves and talking to her family about their thoughts. We were then instructed to go through and storyboard the first 18 shots of the video. We drew what we saw on the screen, talked a little bit about what kinda shot it was and how it could be improved. My process while making the storyboard was to focus on the minor details. It was harder to determine what the types of shots were. The person that created this feature kinda bent the rules. When we would see an over the shoulder shot it ...

What is Graphic Design

Graphic Design is..                      A different way to talk           Making things more exciting           Connecting to the brain            Colors, Patterns, Numbers, Symbols, Letters and Pictures           Visuals           Something that grasp emotions            A range of complex and simple.           Interacting with the senses through            Increases desire to do something           Everywhere you look           Helps things have a voice personal connections- Buying something because of the way it looks Changing emotions Speaking through image